Leelou Home
"The little details make the difference"
Update and improvement of the leelouhome website.
I was responsible for making updates and improvements to the leelouhome website. My goal was to improve the user experience and ensure the site was easy to use and navigate. I took a strategic approach to my work, carefully considering the needs of the website audience and making changes that would best meet their needs.
As part of my work, I cleaned up the design, making it more modern and professional, and improved the navigation, making it easier for users to find what they were looking for. I also added new material to the site, keeping it up to date and relevant. And finally, I made changes to improve the user experience, making the website more accessible and responsive on all devices.
My hard work and dedication to improving the website has resulted in a better user experience for visitors and probably contributed to the success of the website. My web design and user experience skills are invaluable assets, and I intend to continue to have a positive impact in my future projects.